The Feral Pack

Polyplural Mixed-Origin DID System

About the System

System Name: The Feral Pack
Collective Names: Feral, The Pack, Eren (when masking)
Body Age: 25
Member Count: Over 80, under 100 (uncounted fragments estimated to be somewhere in the 500+ range)
System Type: Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
System Origins: Traumagenic, Isolgenic, Autigenic, Neurogenic, Soulbonding, and Tulpamancy

Frequent Fronter List and Biographies

Note: This list is subject to change as members tend to fluctuate between 'frequently fronting' and 'rarely fronting.' You may notice most members of this list stay here, however.


Age: 25
Gender: Aporafoxic
Pronouns: xey/xem
Orientations: pansexual / demiromantic
Species: Kitsunemimi / Astral Fox
Role: Host
Short Personal Bio

I'm Aster! I'm the current main host of the system. I'd like to credit myself for finding it, but we're still not sure if that was me or Eren! Either way, hi! I'm just happy to be included :)


Age: 25
Gender: Femme Woman't
Pronouns: she/they
Orientations: bisexual / biromantic
Species: Vampire
Role: Persecutor
Short Personal Bio

I mean, I guess I was technically the first to discover the system along with former host Rose in high school, but that doesn't count due to us being forced to repress it, in my opinion.


Age: 26
Gender: Trans Man
Pronouns: he/him/they
Orientations: Gay
Species: Human
Role: Resident Asshole
Short Personal Bio

Lorem Ipsum


Age: 25
Gender: Trans Man
Pronouns: he/they
Orientations: pansexual / panromantic
Species: Whitetail Deer / Tufted Deer
Role: Host
Short Personal Bio

Yo, I'm Eren. I'm the responsible one (/lh), I go to work and pay bills and deal with medical stuff. Maybe I qualify as a type of caretaker as well, but considering I take care of most daily tasks and front very frequently, I just consider myself a host. I don't really have that many hobbies, however you might catch me blogging a lot about transmasc issues and transmisandry.


Age: ageless
Gender: genderless
Pronouns: it/its
Orientations: None
Species: Grey Wolf
Role: Protector
Short Personal Bio

Lorem Ipsum


Age: slider 4-8
Gender: Puppygender
Pronouns: pup/pups or they/them
Orientations: [none; is a child, but has a crush on parter sys' little]
Species: Inumimi / Golden Lab
Role: Little / Trauma-holder
Short Personal Bio

Lorem Ipsum


Age: ageless
Gender: genderless
Pronouns: she/her
Orientations: lesbian
Species: Seraph
Role: Emotional Protector of sorts as well as Data Management (for the system)
Short Personal Bio

Lorem Ipsum


Age: 25
Gender: Cis Man
Pronouns: he/him
Orientations: turian aroace
Species: Silver Wolf
Role: Aggressive Physical Protector
Short Personal Bio

Lorem Ipsum


Age: 19
Gender: Genderfluid
Pronouns: ey/em
Orientations: pansexual / panromantic
Species: Fairy
Role: Former Host / Data Management (with Sera) / Web Developer (as a sys role)
Short Personal Bio

Hey! I'm Xen. I'm 19 years old (probably perpetually, most likely due to trauma at that age). My hobbies include writing websites with HTML/CSS (though I'm not really good at it), and sometimes I draw. I love organizing and I think making sites helps with that!
I was the host from body ages 18-19, during a really rough time in our life when we lived in Logan, Utah. Worst place EVER.